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Security review in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-10-02Updated:2024-10-02
Similar words: security requirementsecurityin securityinsecuritysalary reviewfile securitysecurity forcedata securityMeaning: n. counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy. 
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1. Whatever the difficulties, I wanted the social security review off Thursday's Cabinet agenda.
2. An overdue strategic defence and security review will in truth be inseparable from the Treasury-led spending review, due to be published in October.
3. Yet in the first-ever quadrennial security review released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last month, subways are mentioned only once in the 108-page report.
4. The report by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission says it raises the prospect that China might use its powers to "assert some level of control over the internet".
5. In the grasp of the history of national security review 's relevant provisions, the author finds the absence of NSRFMA legal system in China.
6. You may only need a security review that provides a short-term benefit, as in the case of an auditor.
7. India began a sweeping information security review after the November 2008 terror attack in Mumbai, which was coordinated with cell phones, satellite phones and Internet calls.
8. Perhaps conscious that he had gained a megaphone reputation, Meacher had settled down to his own social security review.
9. There should be a formal process that includes a security review that determines what permissions an application will be allowed.
10. As such systems become more complex, you might find it harder to understand the full picture and thus maintain effective security review, if you're not careful.
11. With regard to foreign policy, Queen Elizabeth lent her support to the country's armed forces and called for a defense and security review of military operations.
12. This concept took heavy fire in recent hearings of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, chartered by Congress.
13. But the CEO claims his company has undergone a rigorous security review and is back on track.
14. The conclusions reached in this year's US-China Economic and Security Review are far more dramatic than before.
15. The UK's National Cyber Security Programme was announced as part of the Strategic Defence and Security Review in October 2010.
15. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
16. The National Audit Office report also states that the UK faces a potential shortage of attack submarines because of cost-cutting decisions taken in last year's strategic defence and security review.
17. Reinsch is president of the National Foreign Trade Council and a member of the advisory U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
More similar words: security requirementsecurityin securityinsecuritysalary reviewfile securitysecurity forcedata securityreal securitysecurity codeliterary reviewsecurity staffsecurity fencesecurity guardsecurity levelsecurity marketsocial securitysecurity systempublic securitysecurity policysenior securitytype of securitysecurity deposithomeland securitycomputer securitysecurity councilsecurity for a loansecurity measuresecurity blanketsecurity context
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